Unit news

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Read here all the unit news in french.

  • UR Forêts et Sociétés celebrates International Forest Day

    UR Forêts et Sociétés celebrates International Forest Day


    To mark International Forest Day, the Forests and Societies research unit takes stock of the state of tropical forests. It has prepared a short 2-minute video for the occasion.

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  • "Living with the rainforests" at the hands of cacique Raoni

    "Living with the rainforests" at the hands of cacique Raoni


    On the premises of the French Embassy in Brazil, CIRAD Regional Director Pierre Marraccini presented the cacique Raoni with a copy of the book "Living with Tropical Forests", written collectively by the Forests and Societies Unit, and in which a dedication in Portuguese had been inserted by Plinio Sist.

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  • Vers une planification de l’usage des terres au Congo

    Vers une planification de l’usage des terres au Congo


    Quelles zones privilégier pour l’agriculture ? Où faut-il assurer la conservation des forêts et des tourbières ? Comment répondre aux besoins énergétiques des ménages urbains tout en réduisant la dépendance au charbon de bois ? Dans un objectif de diversification économique et de sécurité alimentaire, le gouvernement congolais lance cette année le Programme d’utilisation durable des terres (PUDT).

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  • Start of the BioForest project at CESAB

    Start of the BioForest project at CESAB


    The first workshop of the BioForest project was held last week (25-29 September 2023) at CESAB - Centre de synthèse et d'analyse sur la biodiversité - in Montpellier.

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  • Paysage qui intègre espaces forestiers et cultivés en Amazonie © R. Poccard-Chapuis, Cirad

    Understanding the effects of logging in a context of climate change


    CIRAD has been analysing data on the functioning of the Amazonian forest ecosystem for over thirty years, in order to understand the effects of forest exploitation and its capacity to regenerate in a context of climate change. It coordinates an international network of sites for monitoring tropical forest dynamics (TmFO), which includes 30 experimental sites, 17 of which are in Amazonia, spread over 12 countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana, Peru, Surinam, CAR, Gabon, CAR, Malaysia and Indonesia).

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  • Forestry research must become more interdisciplinary

    Forestry research must become more interdisciplinary


    FORESTT stands for "Forests and global change: socio-ecological systems in transition". This is the name of the new Priority Research Programme and Equipment (PEPR), which aims to bring together all French forestry research. Led by INRAE, in collaboration with CIRAD and CNRS, the PEPR FORESTT will run for eight years, with a budget of €50 million.

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  • Marie Ange Ngo Bieng will submit her habilitation to direct research on 01 June 2023.

    Marie Ange Ngo Bieng will submit her habilitation to direct research on 01 June 2023.


    The title of this HDR, defended on the UPSaclay campus, in the Rosalind Franklin room in the IDEEV, is "Evaluation and recovery of biodiversity and ecosystem services in tropical forest systems".

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  • Peut-on consommer sans déforester ? ©Getty - kampee patisena

    Can we consume without deforestation?


    On Wednesday 19 April, the European Parliament voted to ban the import of deforestation products. While the EU is responsible for 16% of global deforestation, this law is presented as a world first. What are the expected effects? Guillaume Lescuyer is one of the guests on the programme "Le téléphone sonne" on France Inter.

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  • Gender discrimination and sexism at work: talking and acting through forum theatre

    Gender discrimination and sexism at work: talking and acting through forum theatre


    How should we react when faced with "compliments" and recurrent remarks about women's clothing in meetings? What place and what consideration should be given to women and their words? And as a man, how should we position ourselves? CoTéAct and a group of researchers from CIRAD's Forests and Societies Research Unit (UR) have co-created this theatre-forum playlet to question gender inequalities and ordinary sexism within a team.

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  • One Forest Summit in Gabon: what to take away from the summit on tropical forests?

    One Forest Summit in Gabon: what to take away from the summit on tropical forests?


    Launched at the initiative of the French President, the One Forest Summit was held in Gabon on 1 and 2 March. CIRAD was heavily involved in preparing, programming and running the scientific side of the summit. More than 1 000 participants met in Libreville for the sixth One Planet Summit, which was entirely devoted to tropical forests. Here is a look back at this high point.

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Nombre de pages : 2
Nombre éléments : 12
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